May 14, 2017

First Visit

Please allow up to 1 hour for your initial consultation

On arrival for your appointment you will be asked to document your personal details and information relating to your occupation, hobbies, GP/consultant details & funding arrangements, this will then be followed by:

Subjective Assessment 

You will be asked questions regarding your general health, medical history, medication and current complaint. You will be asked about how the problem started, where your symptoms occur, what aggravates them and what eases them. Your physiotherapist will then proceed to perform a physical examination.

Physical Assessment

 A physical examination will take place, this will allow us to determine which structure is causing the problem. It also seeks to discover any factors which may be contributing to your condition. At this point it may be necessary to undress to allow the affected area to be examined thoroughly, if you do not feel comfortable with this please tell your physiotherapist. If wish to have a chaperone during your assessment please ask & this will be arranged.  The physiotherapist will then examine the areas involved.

Diagnosis & Explanation
Your condition/problem will be diagnosed and the physiotherapist will explain her findings to you. Often we will use models of the joint and muscles involved so that we leave you with a clear idea about what is going on. This is in some ways the most important aspect of the first session so ask as many questions as you like! 

Treatment & Treatment Options

 The Physiotherapist will discuss with you the options available to treat your problem. We will explain what techniques we can use, and where possible, suggest the different treatments available. This will enable you to make an informed choice regarding your treatment options. At this point you will be asked to provide informed consent to allow us to commence treatment. In addition to hands on manipulation we may use one of our electrotherapy treatments, provide you with a home exercise programme & advise you on any lifestyle changes that may aid your recovery & prevent recurrence of your symptoms
The first session will also involve treating the problem as well as assessing it.

Follow Up

How many treatments will I need?
We do not have a set number of treatments for any condition – every patient is an individual. However, following your first appointment the Physiotherapist will discuss the anticipated number of treatments.  If you require further treatment sessions we will book them at your convenience. . You will be reassessed on each visit. Our aim is to provide effective treatment in as short a time as possible. If we feel that you require further investigations or additional support from other health care professions we will write to you GP and ask for onward referral to the appropriate authorities

Please note that we require a parent or designated chaperone to be in attendance for assessment & treatment of children up to the age of 14, we may also require verbal or written consent to treat a child between the ages of 14 & 16 if it is not possible for a chaperone to be present

To arrange an appointment, call now on 01978 291154